Case Study (Corporate Headquarters)

Cable Plant


Large Fortune 500 firm seeking to consolidate seven NYC offices into  three.  These three new facilities will be new construction.  The six satellite offices are currently connected to the firm's corporate headquarters, which is connected to the firm's WAN (Wide Area Network).  The new Corporate Headquarters  & two satellite offices requires a state of the art cabling infrastructure that is cost effective to implement, manage and also provides the appropriate fault tolerance .


The management of Triax successfully recommended, designed, and managed the implementation of a fully converged LAN (Local Area Network) cable plant that is cost effective, redundant, diverse, and manageable.  A single IP cable infrastructure will support voice, data, video conferencing and building security.  The typical 4-drop workstation cabling at previous offices will be reduced by 25% to a 3-drop standard at the new locations.   This is possible because telephone, computer uses a single drop.  A significant reduction in copper riser can be realized.  In the previous headquarters 800 pairs of copper CAT3 riser was distributed to each floor.  In the new headquarters only 200 pair per floor is recommended.  These 200 pairs will support applications such as ISDN, Analog, Modems, etc.).  The riser cabling will be single mode fiber optics with a relative small quantity of multi-mode for legacy equipment.  

  1. POE (point of entry) & building riser shafts

  2. Cable & Termination Components

  3. Workstation Standard

  4. Sonet Ring Circuit ID's

  5. Patch Schedule LAN, WAN, Server  CO trunks